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The easiest way to find the lowest price providers near you
The price difference can be 50% or more between high- and low-cost medical providers. This can mean saving thousands of dollars for a single encounter in some cases, and even tens of thousands of dollars in others. High costs are usually the result of high margins and administrative overhead which get passed on to the patient. Costs are not an indicator of quality.
Healthcare Does Not Have to be Expensive The biggest complaint about the US healthcare system is high costs. Increasingly, patients are directly bearing these costs as High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) and coinsurance gain prevalence. Most of us pay higher out-of-pocket costs than we should.
Healthcare is expensive, or is it? The main reason we experience high healthcare costs is because prices for healthcare services are not available before we receive care. We find out how much we’re required to pay after we’ve already received care. We cannot choose where we get care based on price. If we could do so, we would choose lower priced providers. And healthcare would not seem as expensive. depositphotos252477640stockphotostreetsigncheap12612
Don't know the price? Let's work around that together Even with the release of price transparency data, accurate usable prices are usually not available. With shopMD patients can avoid utilizing high-cost providers. The difference between high- and low-cost providers can be 50%-90%. In other words, something that costs a few hundred dollars at one provider could cost a few thousand dollars at another. shopMD is the easiest way to circumvent the lack of price transparency in healthcare. We do this by exposing low-cost independent practices and hospitals across the US. image1102321
Why Not Just Use Price Transparency Data?

Price transparency data has been shown to be inaccurate and incomplete for patients to get an accurate picture of their costs. shopMD goes beyond this data by using proprietary data where it matters and selectively applying price transparency data in ways that make it usable. Read more about it here.

What’s Unique About shopMD’s Proprietary Data? shopMD’s proprietary data focuses on specialty care. Patients can save a lot by taking control of their specialty care journey because specialty care encounters can be planned. Unlike emergency or urgent care from unexpected events, most specialty care is outpatient and can be planned in advance. This gives patients time to decide how and where they choose to get care. It gives them the time and opportunity to explore low-cost options on shopMD. image1122321
Are you an independent specialty provider?
Awesome! We might already have you covered by shopMD.
But why not check to be sure, and see what else we can do for you?
And before you ask - its FREE!
We're the largest community of cash-friendly, high value specialty service providers - and the biggest destinations for patients seeking high-value care.
  • Are you providing high-value and lower costs?
  • Are you cash-friendly and prefer to give patients choice to self-pay?
  • Do you want to grow your practice without more risk-based hassles?