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Search the Low Cost Speciality Clinics
  • This search will give you a list of independent providers with the lowest costs available near your location. However, the number of results may vary if there are no low-cost providers practicing nearby.
  • Independent providers can offer prices that are 50%-90% lower than most hospitals.
  • Here's the best way to use the search results:
    1. Identify the providers closest to your location in the search results.
    2. Visit their websites to check the services they offer and whether they accept your insurance. This information is usually available on their website.
    3. Contact the providers you have selected to confirm if they offer the service you need, accept your insurance (if applicable), and inquire about their costs. If insurance cost information is unavailable, ask about cash prices, as they can help you compare which providers have the lowest prices.
    4. In some cases, providers may require a CPT code to provide prices. If needed, ask your referring doctor to provide the CPT codes for the services you require.
    5. If a provider cannot provide prices, try contacting other providers. Most of them will be able to give you a price estimate over the phone.
  • Always reach out to several different providers to compare prices before making a decision.